Thursday, December 11, 2008

Auction Items Now

  1. Notre Dame Package with private jet and game tickets
  2. Breckenridge Condo
  3. 7 Days at Park City Utah Condo
  4. Plaza Lighting.. donated by Wirken and PB&J
  5. Pheasant Hunt donated by Ron Jury
  6. Upper Classman Parking Space
  7. Sophomore Parking space
  8. Loch Lloyd Golf Membership
  9. Name that Street and Pizza
  10. Week in Ireland donated by Sullivan Foundation
  11. Senior Graduation package… with ring
  12. Ten people with Father B at Jaspers
  13. Fund a Need… Financial aid again this year
  14. Lunch with Father Baum…. .. that seems to scare and embarrass the boys
  15. Presidents Parking Spot for one year
  16. Raffle package.. with the $$ amounts for winners… no gift prizes this year
  17. Christmas Eve with Father Baum
  18. Beef and probably the same stuff included as last year


  1. Murph, On several occasions our little Church in Blue Springs auctioned off tickets to see a sitcom taping. Frazier and Will and Grace I think. I will call my buddy and ask how they set that up. Any interest?
    Joe Backer

  2. absolutely---
    In fact, not sure if that is in NYC or Los Angeles---we could work in a west coast swing trip.

    Who is your contact?
